Some Podcasts We Listen To

The world of podcasts related to real estate syndications is just incredibly vast--and growing fast. You could literally spend all your working time listening to nothing but podcasts about real estate syndication. You probably shouldn't do that... there's a lot more to life than listening to podcasts. There's a lot more to investing, even, than listening to podcasts!

But if you start, you might just get drawn in to an incredible world. Here are a few we listen to. We offer here a few different ones that you might consider in order to hear from a range of people with a range of views:

  • The Real Estate Syndication Show with Whitney Sewell is a daily podcast all about syndications. There is a ton to learn from tuning in daily to this one. Those who care about double-bottom-line investing (as we do personally) may find Life Bridge Capital of particular interest.
  • For those who want a podcast to introduce them to the world of syndications as well as how to create a "life by design," consider the Life and Money Show podcast from the founders of Goodegg Investments. Annie Dickerson and Julie Lam talk about how to invest in passive real estate syndications in such a way as to offer good housing to families and individuals while creating wealth for your family.
  • Joe Fairless is perhaps the most famous of the syndication podcasters--you can tune into him at his not-so-modestly-named Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever show.
  • Pancham Gupta's The Gold Collar Investor can get you "fired up" to invest outside of Wall Street. Gupta leads the syndicator Mesos Capital.
  • BiggerPockets and BiggerPockets Money: if you are interested in investing in real estate, there’s a great deal to be learned from the Bigger Pockets podcasts--even though they go way beyond syndications. We’ve listened to both, but more to the BiggerPockets Money podcast, in which co-hosts Scott Trench and Mindy Jensen interview guests on a wide range of money topics. They have a funny banter and offer lots of bad jokes and puns to go along with the advice. It’s largely geared toward those interested in FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)--which we are not necessarily focused on here--but even those not interested in FIRE-ing will find it of interest.
  • Lane Kawaoka’s Simple Passive Cashflow podcast covers a broad range of economic and finance topics, but with a focus primarily on passive real estate syndications. Lane has a laid-back style–referring to himself as a “dude named Lane” in his intro–and offers a mastermind as well as other services which are frequently discussed on the podcast. He runs masterminds, does lots of coaching, and offers syndications to investors from his perch in Hawaii.

A few podcasts that are relevant but not exactly about syndications if you want to "round of your diet" of listening:

  • Passive Real Estate Investing from turnkey rental guru Marco Santarelli is a good, efficient, frequently-updated podcast on a way to invest passively in real estate. It is not mainly about syndications but it can help create context and balance related to the syndication space.
  • Marketplace podcast (from NPR) is a great, balanced, general purpose finance podcast. While investing in syndications, we've found it helpful to listen to some of the macro-economic podcasts, too, for the broader context.

There are so many more podcasts, with great relevance to syndications--perhaps another post for another day will include another set of recommendations...