
We are investors in multifamily real estate syndications. When we got started, we couldn’t find a good resource for people just starting out. There wasn’t a list of the best syndicators out there. There wasn’t a service that provided easy access to real estate investments that are open to accredited and non-accredited investors. We decided to create one.

The target audience for this site is busy investors who want to invest in private real estate syndications. We provide access to information about starting points, but not advice of any kind about what might make a suitable investment for you. We hope this site might be a useful place to start your journey as a multifamily real estate investor or as someone who desires to get involved in real estate syndications but doesn’t really know where to begin. We are investors just like you; we are not sponsors of deals or trying to get you to invest in anything in particular. We hope the information provided here might provide a helpful start.

We hope over time to add in information about other types of syndications beyond real estate.

Legal Disclaimer: This site is a product of Youth and Media Network LLC. This site does not offer investment advice. It is for entertainment and informational purposes only. Before making any investment decisions, please consult your own professional advisors. This site bears no liability for things users post here or decisions you may make based on what you may read here. This site contains the opinions and ideas of its authors. It is distributed with the understanding that the authors aren't engaged in rendering legal, financial or other professional services. The owners and authors make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this website or database. The authors specifically disclaim any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this site or the accompanying database.