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"We provide access to alternative investments previously reserved only for institutions and the ultra-wealthy. Our mission is to help millions of people generate $3 billion of income outside the traditional public markets by 2025."

— yieldstreet.com

Founded: 2014

Co-Founders: Milind Mehere, Michael Weisz

Minimum investment $10,000*
Accredited Investors Only? No
Co-invested Yes

*Note: some funds offered by Yieldstreet have a minimum investment of $500.

The Numbers


Total Invested


Active Investors


Total projects (active and completed)

Historical Data

Graph and data from yieldstreet.com

Our thoughts

Yieldstreet takes a different outlook than most on "diversification," allowing investors to earn passive income through real estate and other asset classes, like art. The platform gives non-accredited investors the opportunity to invest in deals previously exclusive to high-net-worth individuals.