Capital Call
Capital Calls 4, 5, maybe 6 ... and one positive surprise
The capital calls keep coming in 2024 and we get some unrelated good news.
Capital Call
The capital calls keep coming in 2024 and we get some unrelated good news.
There is one most essential element in a syndicator: trust. You can't do without it given the nature and size of syndication investments and the structure of the LP/GP relationship.
Fundrise iPO
Fundrise continues to enable its investors to invest in the company itself with a new offering for 2023
We were pleased to receive a reader question about the types of options you have as an investor in a syndication. This investor is looking at the types of returns they can expect and when. They wonder what type of investment to choose within the world of syndications. As always,
We have been tracking the effects of sustained high inflation on our portfolio of multifamily real estate syndication holdings. We thought a quick update, in Fall 2022, might be of interest to some readers. We took a close look at the Q3 reports from about 10 of our holdings to
Capital Call
If you have been reading this blog, you'll know that we have actively invested in dozens of real estate syndications. Our investments are mostly in multifamily apartment complexes but we have exposure to a few other asset classes as well, including self-storage, hotels, office, and parking. Our portfolio
If real estate syndications are so great, why isn't everyone piling into them? Let's be honest: it's a pretty small niche of the investing universe. So there must be good reasons why other people are not jumping in to syndications with both feet. Here
Class A
How to buy a car using real estate syndications.
There are some really appealing things about investing in a syndication. As eager syndicators (or sponsors or operators or deal promoters etc.) will tell you over and over, you get to invest passively in an appealing asset class, you don't have to do much work, you get a
Book Review
If you were to ask, "What's the one recent book I should read about investing in real estate syndications to get the basics before I start?," the list of possibilities would definitely include Brian Burke's The Hands-Off Investor: An Insider's Guide to
Book Review
I think it is safe to say that the most fun book we have read about real estate syndications is Matthew Picheny's "Backstage Guide to Real Estate: Produce Passive Income, Write Your Own Story, and Direct Your Dollars Toward Positive Change."
When you make any kind of investment, you are no doubt expecting a return of your capital at some point as well as a return on your capital. Otherwise you would not take the time to invest it--you would just leave it in your checking or savings account.